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Home Made Peach Ice Cream

Contributed by: Melinda

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  • Prepare an ice bath for a medium bowl with a seive to strain the custard mixture.
  • Heat milk, cream and 1/3 cup sugar over medium heat until steam appears. Just about 5 minutes or so.
  • Meanwhile, whisk 1/4 cup sugar and vanilla powder into egg yolks until sugar is mostly dissolved (pale yellow color).
  • While whisking, stir about a cup of the warm milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture
  • Pour egg yolk mixture into the remaining milk, while whisking. Switch to a spoon and stir constantly, heating over medium-low heat until foam subsides and mixture begins to thicken (180 degrees). Avoid boiling - if mixture boils eggs will curdle.
  • Remove from heat and pour through sieve.
  • Cool custard to room temperature, cover and refrigerate until custard reaches 40 degrees. (2 hours up to 24 hours).
  • Combine peaches, lemon juice, a pinch of salt and 1/3 cup sugar in a medium size saucepan. Let stand about 1 1/2 hours until very syrupy.
  • Heat peaches and their liquid stirring occasionally over medium - med-high heat until peaches are tender and flesh has broken down (3-4 minutes). Transfer to bowl, stir in vodka and refrigerate until cold. (40 degrees - 4 hrs to 24 hrs.)
  • Strain chilled peaches, reserving liquid.
  • Pour peach liquid into custard and pour into ice cream maker. Follow makers instructions for soft-serve consistency ice cream (about 25-35 minutes).
  • Add peaches and churn about 30 seconds or so longer.
  • Transfer to airtight container and freeze until firm. (I find this is best after at least 4 hours.)

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