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Curing Olives

We planted a few Picual olive trees after we got back from Spain. Spanish olive oil is outstanding, but we wanted to use the fruit for curing. The flavor of these olives is supreme and the process is very simple.

What you need

  1. Fresh ripe olives
  2. Kosher Salt
  3. Water

How to make it

  1. Mix enough brine to immerse olives
  2. Cut a slit lengthwise down one side of the olive, using care not to cut into the pit
  3. Dissolve 1/4 cup kosher salt in 1 quart of fresh water
  4. Place olives in a crock (or as I do in a clear glass vessel) and pour brine over the top
  5. Lay a heavy plate over the top of the olives to keep them submerged in the brine
  6. Place in a cool, dark place for 1 week
  7. Drain and rinse olives and repeat the brining process
  8. Continue to drain, rinse and re-brine each week until olives have lost most of their bitterness
  9. Begin tasting olives at about 4 weeks

To store olives: Use half strength brine solution and store in the refrigerator. Rinse and replace solution every month or if you see solids forming in the brine.

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