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Lemon Marmalade

We have a terrific lemon tree with fruit much the same as meyer lemons. Use high quality organic fruit. This recipe is not for canning, but rather something to use for entertaining. It makes about 3/4 cup marmalade and is well balanced with very light sweetness, nice tartness and a bit of bitterness. You can increase the stevia to suit your own taste.

How to make it

  1. Wash 4 large ripe lemons and dry
  2. Peel 3 lemons using a vegetable peeler and use the side of a paring knife to scrape the white pith from the strips
  3. Cut two of the peeled lemons in half and juice
  4. Very thinly slice the 4th lemon and remove the seeds
  5. You can reduce the bitterness by boiling lemon rinds and slices in about a cup of water for 5-10 minutes, then drain
  6. Add lemon juice to the drained lemon slices/rinds and 2 cups fresh water
  7. Bring to boiling and cook over medium low heat for 30 minutes
  8. Remove from heat and pour into a clear pot or jar - let cool
  9. Stir in 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon pure stevia powder - taste and add additional stevia if desired

Pure stevia powder has no added ingredients and is very strong. 1 teaspoon of pure stevia powder has the sweetness level of 1 full cup of refined sugar. *Note: You could substitute agave syrup in place of stevia powder - try approximately 1/3 cup to start, then taste to adjust

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