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Lentil Tabouleh

Tabouleh is a salad of cracked wheat (bulghur) and parsley. There are many variations on the seasonings and ingredients, but my first introduction was absolutely the best I've ever eaten. This version is pretty close to that original, with my own touches, the biggest being to substitute puy (green) lentils for the cracked wheat. Start with lentils as a base and add remaining ingredients to taste.

What you need

  1. 1 cup french puy lentils
  2. 1 3/4 - 2 cups water
  3. 1 bunch (about 1 cup) parsley, finely minced
  4. 10 good sized mint leaves (about 1/4 cup), finely minced
  5. 1/4 - 1/3 cup finely minced sweet onion or scallions
  6. 1 small roma tomato, diced small
  7. 1 tsp kosher salt
  8. Juice of 1/2 - 1 lemon (my lemons are really big, so I use half)
  9. Drizzle of olive oil to serve

How to make it

  1. Rinse and drain lentils
  2. Bring water to a boil, add lentils and cook until tender - about 20-30 minutes
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine parsley, mint, onion and tomato
  4. When lentils are cooked all liquid should be gone (if not, drain any excess liquid) - add lentils to parsley mixture (I like to do this while the lentils are warm so it lightly cooks the onion)
  5. Add salt and lemon juice - combine well and taste
  6. Add more lemon juice if desired and olive
  7. Serve warm or at room temperature

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