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Paneer (Indian Cheese)

This is slightly more effort labne, but is fairly simple. Because this isn't a cultured fresh cheese, it has a slightly sweet flavor.

What you need

  1. 8 cups pasteurized whole milk
  2. 1 - 2 tsp sea or kosher salt
  3. One of the following coagulants: 3 Tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 cup (8oz) sour plain yogurt, 3 Tablespoons cider vinegar diluted with 3 Tablespoons water

How to make it

  1. Add salt to milk and bring to a boil in a heavy pot over medium heat
  2. Reduce the heat to keep the milk hot
  3. Add the coagulant
  4. As soon as the milk curdles - you will see clear white curds separated from the whey (liquid) - turn off the heat
  5. Pour the cheese and liquid through a colander lined with several layers of cheesecloth or a clean cotton kitchen towel
  6. Rinse the cheese under running water to remove any remaining coagulant
  7. Pull up the corners of the towel and squeeze out as much liquid as possible
  8. Place paneer (in the cloth and colander) covered in the refrigerator overnight to continue to drain any more liquid
  9. Place the cloth wrapped paneer into a container of appropriate size to form a compressed block or round (Bread pan or round casserole)
  10. Weight it down on top with something heavy for 30 minutes
  11. Serve cut into cubes or store immersed in water as with feta cheese

Once you've cut the paneer, it can be marinated in herbs, spices and olive oil to serve as an appetizer. Alternatively, you can steep herbs or spices in the milk while it's heating and then discard before draining and pressing. Keeps 4 to 5 days refrigerated.

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