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Whole Roast Duck

Frozen duck will thaw in the refrigerator in one to two days. Part of this recipe is to render as much duck fat as possible to be saved and used to fry or sauté. Duck and goose fat are better choices for cooking at higher temperatures. More information about types of fat.

What you need

  1. 1 whole farm raised duckling, 6-6.5 lbs.
  2. 1/2 yellow onion, cut into quarters
  3. 1/2 lemon, cut in half
  4. 6 garlic cloves, un-peeled cut in half across middle
  5. 3-4 sprigs fresh rosemary
  6. Kosher Salt & Ground Black Pepper

How to make it

  1. Preheat oven to 375º
  2. Trim excess skin and fat from duck but reserve
  3. Pat dry inside and out with paper towels
  4. Place roasting rack into the roasting pan and place duck, breast side up on top
  5. Place reserved fat pieces around edges of rack, or in a separate pan, and sprinkle with kosher salt
  6. Sprinkle onion wedges and remaining lemon wedges with 1-2 teaspoons salt
  7. Place veg inside duckling with rosemary and garlic
  8. With a very sharp knife, carefully score the skin only in a cross-hatch pattern - do not pierce the flesh - I do this on both sides of the duck, but at least do the top - it helps render the fat
  9. Roast breast side up for 45 minutes, turn and roast another 45 minutes
  10. Turn again (breast side up) and roast for another 45 minutes to 1 hour until skin is very crispy and brown
  11. Remove duck to a cutting board and let stand for 15-20 minutes
  12. Serve sliced duck with pan juices

Pour pan drippings into a fat separator and serve duck with de-fatted sauce. Pour remaining fat into a jar and store in the refrigerator for future use.

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