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Zucchini Pimenton (with Smoked Paprika)

What you need

  1. 2-3 medium zucchini, cut into 1/2 inch rounds
  2. Smoked spanish paprika, approximately 1 tsp
  3. Garlic granules (approx. 1/2 tsp) or 1 peeled garlic clove
  4. olive oil
  5. Salt & pepper to taste

How to make it

  1. Heat olive oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat - If you're using a garlic clove, place it into the oil while it heats to season the oil - discard garlic clove before adding zucchini.
  2. Place zucchini in skillet in a single layer and sprinkle with smoked paprika and garlic granules if you're using them
  3. Sauté on one side until lightly browned, flip and sprinkle cooked side with smoked paprika and garlic granules
  4. Cook until lightly browned on both sides and just tender
  5. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper to taste

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